Digital Marketing Hashtags Tips

December 29,2023

In thе social mеdia world, a wеll-thought hashtag stratеgy can takе your contеnt markеting to thе nеxt lеvеl. Thе right hashtags can hеlp you tap into viral trеnds, promotе your contеnt bеttеr, and drivе morе convеrsions.

As we stеp into 2024, competition on social media will be higher than еvеr. Simply slapping on a fеw random digital markеting hashtags with your posts won’t cut it anymorе. You nееd to bе stratеgic in lеvеraging trеnding convеrsations and viral mеmе rеfеrеncеs through your hashtags.

So how еxactly can you crеatе mеmorablе, high-impact social mеdia markеting hashtags? This comprеhеnsivе guidе sharеs social mеdia markеting tips to makе standout digital markеting hashtags for 2024. Lеt’s gеt startеd, shall wе?

8 Ways To Trend Your Digital Marketing Hashtags

Thе stratеgic usе of hashtags has еmеrgеd as a powerful tool to еnhancе onlinе visibility and drivе campaign succеss. Hеrе wе еxplorе 8 еffеctivе ways to trеnd your digital markеting hashtags, providing insights and stratеgiеs to optimizе your onlinе prеsеncе and connеct with your audiеncе sеamlеssly.

Conduct Thorough Keyword Research

The first step is putting on your thinking cap to brainstorm keyword ideas relevant to your brand, products, content types, and target audience interests. Ask yourself:

  • What words or phrases best describe what I offer?
  • What terminology does my audience frequently use?
  • Are there any popular abbreviations or shorthand versions?

You want to identify the precise terms and conversations that resonate best with your goals and audiences.

Tools like Google Keyword Planner, UberSuggest, Semrush, and Soovle are great for discovering popular keyword ideas. Social listening tools like Mention also provide keyword suggestions based on analyzing industry-relevant social conversations.

As you research, look for commonly used shorthand versions of keywords too. For example, digital marketing professionals often use “DigiMark” in hashtags instead of the full phrase. Such colloquial adaptations lend a conversational tone vs formal hashtags.

Shortlist keywords that have significant search volume and emerging popularity. These signal audience interest to tap into. Extensive research lays the base for crafting branded yet relatable hashtags.

Create Signature Hashtags For Your Brand

Brainstorm creative ways to blend your most relevant keywords into branded hashtags that become your company’s calling card across social media platform. These persistent hashtags should capture your brand essence and message in a nutshell.

For example, a digital marketing agency could adopt #MasteringMarketing as its signature hashtag across platforms. Similarly, an organic skincare brand could go for #NaturallyYou or #GoGlowNatural.

Aim for branded hashtags that are:

  • Short, snappy, and memorable
  • Evocative of emotions
  • Aligned to your positioning
  • Unique enough to own

Apart from the main branded hashtag, also create supplementary campaigns or product-specific hashtags. For example, #GoGlowNatural could be supported by #GlowGang for loyal brand fans. This expands association beyond the parent hashtag.

Be Consistent Yet Flexible With Your Hashtag Usage

While you want 2-3 persistently branded hashtags across social channels, also keep testing out new ones for specific campaigns or events. Have a healthy mix of consistent core hashtags and flexible situational ones in rotation.

For instance, an organic granola brand could use #CrunchyGoodness (their signature) while also adopting #HappyGranolaHunt for an Easter promotion.

The flexibility of custom hashtags keeps content feeling fresh. However, having mainstay branded hashtags also builds cumulative authority and recall value over time. So it is important that you blend both approaches for optimal impact.

Actively Track Performance To Identify Your Hero Hashtags

As you expand your pool of branded hashtags, closely track engagement levels across them. Using social listening and analytics, monitor which hashtags consistently generate more impressions, engagement, and clicks compared to others.

Double down on putting hero hashtags that clearly resonate better in front of larger audiences across channels. For underperforming hashtags that never gain volume or attract engagement, gradually phase them out from your list.

Continually optimizing your mix based on performance data will result in having the digital marketing hashtags that truly drive conversations and conversions for your brand.

Incentivize User-Generated Content With Hashtags

UGC and branded hashtag campaigns go hand-in-hand beautifully. You can ask your audience to share photos, videos, and reviews of interacting with your brand using signature hashtags. Moreover, re-sharing the best UGC creates a viral loop that gets more users posting for visibility.

Fun contests that require participants to post videos or images using your social media marketing hashtags can massively boost UGC contributions. The flood of posts would exponentially widen their branded reach and trust.

Make Your Hashtags Clickable

Wherever possible, embed your digital marketing hashtags for Instagram, so they become clickable – either to your profile, website landing pages, or links to the aggregated hashtag feed. This provides pathways to move audiences beyond just surface posts into your owned channels.

Clickable deep links help drive more qualified traffic, views of your assets, and conversion opportunities. They transform hashtags from being just categorization devices into gateways for richer engagement. For instance, an agency could link #MasteringMarketing to a “Services” landing page.

Amplify Across Other Assets Too

While hashtag use is second nature on social posts, it also integrates signatory phrases across other online and offline assets. Weave them into your email newsletters, guest articles, YouTube descriptions, ads, and website banners. Reinforcing branded hashtags strengthens associative recall.

Frequency fosters familiarity! Blend hashtag mentions contextually across channels like blog posts too. For example, an article on “5 Expert Social Media Tips” could incorporate #MasteringMarketing. Such contextual visibility makes hashtags feel more native.

Cross-channel integration establishes greater consistency and reinforces associative recall of branded hashtag phrases.

And that’s a wrap!


From thorough research to performance tracking, creative blending to persistent use - there are many nuances in devising unique digital marketing hashtag strategies.

The brand with the most memorable, viral-worthy digital marketing hashtags stands to win the social media marketing game of 2024. So pour your creative juices into concocting the perfect hashtag potion for your brand! Keep optimizing its ingredients based on traction.

Consider incorporating Invoidea, the best digital marketing agency in Delhi, for your social media marketing campaign.

And who knows – you may just conjure up the next #IceBucketChallenge style runaway smash. The potential of a simple # speaks volumes in the digital age!


Aman Koundal

Digital marketer at InvoIdea Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Aman Koundal is a digital marketing strategist at Invoidea Technologies Pvt Ltd, a leading web development and SEO company in Delhi. He is a perpetual learner and also advises many start-ups and small businesses. With a deep understanding of online marketing and web development, he helps drive more traffic, boost online sales, and enhance customer satisfaction.

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